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Sending Shipment Overseas? 

We take it UPON ourselves to provide you with premium importing and exporting services.


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With over 20 years of experience UPON Limited is best placed to meet your needs in China.  We always aim to serve the optimal interest of each and every client and will secure you the optimum price and product.  We will ensure the constant tracking of your shipment and we will take care of all the transactions through every port, making sure your products arrive at your port with no fuss.   All you need is to select your items and leave the hard work to us. 

     OUR Mission 


UPON Limited will provide you with our specialist service in assisting you with the purchase of the best products at the best price to fit your needs.  We then handle all your transactions from the purchase to the shipment and paperwork for your product to be sent from China.  In doing so we provide you with the necessary protection from some of the cheating and scamming often found in the transportation of your products.




OUR Vision 

As an already renowned and respected company in China and the Middle East, we are taking the next step to link UPON globally.  We are now expanding our services to Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia, the UK, USA, Canada and the European Union.  We will bring you the best products at the best prices and deliver them to your doorstep with a minimum of fuss.




UPON Limited can meet your requirements for exporting from China around the globe.  We have more than 20 years of experience exporting and importing different products and have built a substantial reputation in the exporting and importing sector.   So within 3  simple steps, your goods and inventory will be ready to ship to your country.      



Room 2706, north tower, yuexiu city plaza, 445 Dongfeng middle road, Guangzhou

Tel: +86-20-83554442/8354747/83554746
Fax: +86-20-83554449


Rm2001-2003,20Floor No. 999, GuoMao Building,

Chouzhou Rd, Yiwu  Zhejiang

Tel: +86-579-85687666/85687556
Fax: +86-579-85687551



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